Monday, January 15, 2007

From Dim Sum to Patisseries

A close friend gave me a book in 2001 inscribed with what she marked as a random quote by E.B. White:

"We should all do what in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting laundry."

The book was "Paris to the Moon".

As long as I can remember, I have wanted to live in Paris. My friends knew it, my family knew it and the boy knows it.

By some hook or by crook the boy landed himself a project in Paris. And being the loyal, self-sacrificing (ahem) girl I am, I have quit my job and will be moving there for 6 months.

So I have been in the midst of quitting, packing and generally running around alternately elated and scared trying to sort out my life. Which has left a huge gap in fooding so for that I apologize but do not fear, the rest of the year promises to look vastly different to last year, with lots of French foods coming your way.

Make way and quake in fear as Sui Mai takes on France!


Anonymous said...

oi - new email address.

Would you rather eat a croissant that you found on a Paris street or a dim sum found on a HK one?

You know who.

Sui Mai said...

Croissant, bien sur!

You can always peel off the outer layer!

rmklee said...

wow! i envy you. all the best! (and eat a lot!)

friend of sundaydriver